
The method of buying property is one of the fastest methods of immigrating to Europe. By buying property, a person can gain profit in addition to preserving his capital, considering that the capital is invested in the property, it has a low risk. In the residence method, a person will be allowed to work by buying a property in Europe, and this method can lead to residence and a passport.

By buying property in Europe, you can both rent your property and receive interest, and you can cash out your money by selling the property whenever you want. In addition, there are companies in Europe that guarantee your money with the principal, and you can safely get residency by buying a property in Europe, in addition to transferring your capital to Europe. A person can obtain European residency in a short period of time by purchasing a property for a specified amount.

Countries that reside in Europe by buying property

Countries that reside in Europe by purchasing property include Portugal, Spain, Greece and Turkey. In each of these countries, a certain amount of money must be considered for the purchase of property, and the length of the process is different in each country. Buying a property is one of the fastest ways to obtain residence through investment, according to the process of investing in this method.

It is worth mentioning that investing through the purchase of property in Portugal is one of the fastest ways to obtain residency in Europe, and one can purchase a property with the desired amount that has been determined and then obtain residency in Portugal.